Monday, August 12, 2013

Mid-Term Test

Mid-Term Test (Speaking Test)

Date: 15th/16th ,August 2013

Testing Rule
  1. You have selected a topic in 4 topics.
  2. Go to do with your turn from number 1 to 22 (students in class)
  3. Do the speaking test as the processing below:
  1. Read your document by carrying it. (Be careful with your pronunciation)
  2. Summary the text without carrying the handout. (Be careful with grammar, vocabulary, fluency)
  3. Answer the teacher's questions ( to check your comprehension)
Speaking Rubric
  1. Comprehension: to check your understanding about the text.
  2. Vocabulary: don't make any mistakes with words.
  3. Grammar: I go to school yesterday.  
  4.  Fluency: Don't spend much time to speak, use "er.." or "erh.."
  5. Pronunciation: wrong to pronounce the words.
Score is from 1 to 4. 

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